Installation view:
Lokaal01, Antwerp
Feb. 2006
Installation view @ It's tough world in here
the Group Show, curated by Sunyoung oh
운율에 맞춰 춤을 추다 Dancing to the Rhyme
Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul
Feb. 2011

Installation view @ 우주생활 SPACE LIFE, Group show Curated by Young June Lee
Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, 2015
김&마스가 노르웨이 레지던시에서 제작한 나무 인공위성. 당시, 현대극의 아버지라 불리는 헨리크 입센의 집과 기물을 수집해 박물관안에 재건축하는 프로젝트가 노르웨이에서 중요한 사건이었다. 입센은 물건을 재조립하여 사용하는 특이한 점이 있었는데, 예를 들면 소구유를 개조한 욕조를 썼다. 김&마스는 주택 리노베이션을 위해 뜯어낸 마루를 목재상에서 구매해 인공위성을 제작했는데, 이 작품에는 김&마스의 작업에 자주 등장하는 아키텍톤이 인공위성의 일부로 붙어있다.
sungkok art museum

studio view at GCC
Dec. 2010
Medium: Wood
Dimensions: 89 x 120 x 87 cm
During a residency in Norway it came to our attention that the former content of Henrik Ibsen´s home was reassembled. His original bathtub was found serving as a water source for cattle. We found the flooring boards of his former apartment and turned it into a wooden satellite. A material trouvé turned into a self-made ready-made.
Exhibition History:
HAVE SPACESUIT-WILL TRAVEL, solo show @ Lokaal01, Antwerp, Belgium, 2006
SHOWER OF BLESSINGS, solo show @ Kultur Magazin Lothringen, Bochum, Germany, 2006
Dancing to the Rhyme, group show, Kumho art Museum in Seoul, 2011
SPACE LIFE, Group show @ Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, 2015
Warped Flow Gadget, monography, published by Causticwindow , 2007
Unfucking real, monography, published byMediabus in Seoul, 2013
Warped Flow Gadget, monography, published by Caustic
Unfucking real, monography, published by
SPACE LIFE, show catalog by Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, 2015
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