Installation view at ARKO Museum, Seoul, 2002
Coffee Bar Components: Plastic, aluminum, wood, colored
adhesive film,
coffee house equipments
Coffee Bar Dimensions: 290x 250X310 cm
Coffee Sign Components: Aluminum, neon tubes, colored
adhesive film
Coffee Sign Dimensions: Each letter 170x120X80 cm
Production Supports; Arts Council Korea, Insa Art Space,
Lavazza Korea
Photo; Jongmyung Lee, Monthly art magazine Woolgan Misool
이 작업은 관객들이 커피맛을 보며 즐기고 진행형으로서의 미술에 참여하고, 각자 인생의 행로에서의 가벼운 행복함을 맛보며 여러 요소들과 만남의 장소로서 기능한다.
커피 카운터; CAFE를 구성하는 대표이미지로서, 커피 제조, 서빙과 맛보기를 위한 일상 공간의 창조물이다.
간판; 외벽에 기존하는 4개의 창문형 진열장 각각에 C-A-F-E의 글짜를 시공하고 형광등을 켠 간판이다. 벽돌건물인 ARKO 문예진흥원의 딱딱한 엄숙함을 열린 따스한 분위기로 바꾸고 관객들을 전시공간으로 초대한다.
Inspired through the fact that the gallery was a coffee shop, so building a coffee bar seemed plausible and the notion of the coffee bar is one of the city´s major infrastructures.
The actual bar was designed as a sculpture always having usability in mind.
Furthermore, the neon tubes installation stilts in the 4 windows of the gallery, describing the letters C-A-F-E towards the plaza in front of the show, which is one of the hottest zones in Seoul.
Coffee bar
plastic plates, aluminum profiles, wood, colored adhesive film, aluminum, coffee house equipments.
290x 250X310CM
Coffee sign
aluminum profiles, neon tubes, colored adhesive film.
for each letter 170x 120X80CM

Dec. 2002
ARKO Art Center, Seoul
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