Flyer: 부조화의 지진대 A seismic zone of incongruities

publised by GCC for 경기창작센터 2010년 하반기 입주 작가 오픈스튜디오 
Oct. 2010

Statement for Hit And Run
“사건의 연속”을 위한 디자인 / Design for “Spiral of Events”
Flyer: 부조화의 지진대 A seismic zone of incongruities
by Dr. Sytze Steenstra

경기창작센터에서 김나영 & 그레고리 마스에게 제작해준 기존의 인쇄물 위에 한 번 더 인쇄를 해 다시 활용
Reused the existing copies of Nayoungim & Gregory Maass’ printed matters used in the Gyeonggi Creation Center.

Designed by 신동혁 Donghyeok Shin
June 2011


Dr. Sytze Steenstra 싯쩌 스틴스트라의 글 " A seismic zone of incongruities" 에서

김나영과 Maass 작품은 구성 요소 의 폭넓은 틈으로 구성되어 있다.
그것들은 협곡과 으로 벌집이 되어발견된 대상들, 기억하기 쉬운 구, 바보 은 말장난만화나게 의적인 추함뭉툭한 패러디들로 이루어진 대단히 불안정한 도시 풍경의 진대를 구성한다.
일반 대중에게 전체적인 짜임새는 쓰레기만을 기고 머릿속에서 사라져갈 것이다.
그러나 이 작품들은 신이 지금까지 보아온 수없이 은 형편없는 TV쇼고, 영화들을 고 있다는 인상을 다. 그리고 당신은 그것들이 알고 있다는 사실을 알고 있다. 그리고 이들은 네오다다, 플럭서스와 아트를 상당히 알고, 이들에 기반을 두는 것으로 보이며, 컨셉과 미니멀 사이에서 빠르게 움직인다.
그리고 이 모든 것은 형식과 무의미를 구별 지으며, 바보스러움과 추함 사이의 은 틈이 넓어지고 있다는 것, 실재는 단지 시될 이라는 것, 당신의 기심이 점 깊어지고 있다는 것을 분명히 한다.
아마도 당신은 어린 시절, 당신이 그릴 수 있는 어떤 것 보다도 만화가  실해 보였으므로 그 그리기를 기했던 그 간을 경험할 수도 있다.
아마도 당신은 사람들이 기의 경험을 말하는 대신에 전에  영화나 TV 로그램의 줄거리를 하는 파티에 갈 수도 있다.

이 작품들은 이런 순간들에 관해 이야기 하고자 하는 것처럼 보인다.

A seismic zone of incongruities

The installations and drawings by Gregory Maass and Nayoungim documented in this book consist mostly of widening gaps between the constituent parts. They form a seismic zone, riddled with ravines and fissures, eminently unstable cityscapes of found objects, catchy remarks, dumb puns, cartoons, gleefully deliberate ugliness, blunt parody. To the untrained eye, there is very little to keep the whole shebang from falling in over your head, leaving only rubbish. But the installations give the appearance of knowing that you've seen as many bad television shows as they have, and as many commercials, and as many films, and you know that they know, and they know that you know that they know. And they appear to know, and secretly build on a good deal of, say, Neo-Dada and Fluxus and Pop Art, and they have zapped from Concept to Minimal and back, and all that has taught them to keep their formlessness apart from their meaninglessness, making sure that the chasm between the dumb and the ugly is widening, that the real is only suggested, and that your curiosity is getting involved. Perhaps you have been through a moment, as a child in school, when you gave up drawing because cartoons always looked more convincing than anything you yourself could draw. Perhaps you have been to parties where people would tell you the plot of films and television programmes they had seen the other day, instead of telling from their own experience. This art seems to be willing to talk about such moments.

from "Conceptual Cartoons in Suggestion City"
written by Sytze Steenstra

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