2010년 칠레 광부들이 지하 갱도에 갇혀 오랜동안 있던 현상에 영감을 얻어, 여기서 발견한 구조를 미술작업으로 진행하려 합니다.
2가지 정도의 요소를 결합시키려 하는데
하나. 터널:
구리광산 터널 양끝의 다른 현실과 인터액티브 :
생존을 위한 커뮤니케이션.
격리된 공간을 위한 튜브 형태로 된 생존 기어 등의 기술과 감성적인 요소
(그리고 칠레가 아주 길고 가는 튜브와 같은 지형이고 다양한 기후, 지리 등으로 비슷한 구조로 설명도 같이 가능하므로)
둘. Flowchart
One Best Way 라는 제목이 설명하듯이 극적인 상황의 선택의 문제에서 최선의 해결을 찾아가는 방법
(칠레 프로젝트를 위한 Flowchart는 현재 개발 단계에 있음)
Flowchart는 보통은 2차원 차트로 존재하나, 3차원으로 설치, 조각으로 구성이 가능하다고 보고, 규모에 따라 아주 크게, 작게, 미니어처 조각까지도 가능하며, 디지털화도 가능하다고 생각 (첨부하는 슈퍼 마리오 칠레 광부 구조 게임을 참조하시오)
이런 식으로 프로젝트를 발전시키면, 공공 미술, 설치, 조각 그리고 2차원 작업, 디지털 작업까지도 가능할듯하고요.
또는 이런 모든, 또는 몇가지 방법으로 같이 실현도 가능할것이며
문자 작업뿐 아니라 그림 문자, 오브제 등으로도 Flowchart가 가능합니다.
(우리 작업은 프로젝트 초에는 엉뚱하게 관계가 멀어보이는 요소들을 등장 시켜
타자는 그 완성된 모양을 짐작하기 어렵지만,
진행하는 과정에서 완성도가 있는 결과를 끌어내는 편입니다. )
1. 글
2. 몇가지 Flowchart의 예
3. 작가의2007년 개인전“Handsome Tofu“ 에서 만든Flowchart (두부 플로 차트)
드로잉+ 벨벳에 수를 놓아 실현한 타피스트리 (312 x 217cm )
4. 슈퍼 마리오 칠레 광부 구조 게임 장면
5. 예산 (공공미술로 현지 제작하는 경우:
공공 장소의 바닥에 설치, 또는 건물 외벽에 간판형으로 설치 가능. 설치 장소의 성격에 따라 재료와 구조, 설치 방법의 유동적인 변화가 가능)
Title: One Best Way
When we had a look at Chile in the media, we stumbled across the latest mining accident.
This situation caught our interest because it includes very many seemingly unsolvable problems.
A flowchart, invented by the first computer programmers to represent algorithms or processes, is a representational tool we already used in our work. The diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to any given problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields. We will use it in the field of art, analyzing the extreme situation of the miners, the production of the artwork, its ramification, the unforeseeable, analyzing the situation honestly, comunication in extreme situations.
Flowcharts help visualize what is going on and thereby help the viewer to understand a process, and perhaps also find, flaws, bottlenecks, and other less-obvious features within it, which will get our special interest like the supernatural, chance, success, entertainment and a hero of problem solving and digital character: Super Mario.
There are many different types of flowcharts, and each type has its own repertoire and boxes and notational conventions.
We will build our own type of flowchart: 3 dimensional and from multiple material, using tubes, accidents, the unforeseeable, the survival and relate it to entertainment and communication systems in extreme situations, explaining a situation honestly, while keeping a certain rhythm in a totally artificial surrounding. We will join the idea of a flowchart to the concept which is closely connected to it: the idea of a tunnel. A tunnel is an underground passageway, completely enclosed except for openings for egress, commonly at each end. We see the Tunnel in a larger sense, as a place of mental work, leaving the wall with rough edges to bump into in the dark if you do not know do not know the place in advance.
A tunnel can be a chaotic, obscure and labrynthine exploration of personal history, a dark and airless space, but also a way out, one best way out.
Realization: we will realize this diagram and tunnel 3 dimensionally in a variety of materials in different manners, styles and methods, depending largely on the condition of the final situation of the art work. Depending if it is an outdoors sculpture e.g. public art or indoors installation, sculpture in a public building or museum, gallery. There are several options we consider feasible, ranging from a digital work, over wall painting to molding or installation or a mix of all this. An on-site research would greatly help our preparation.
Why flowcharts in Chile.
Now Chile is a long, thin country. Although it is only about a hundred miles wide, it is- nearly three thousand miles long. Santiago is in the middle, and around it laid a great deal of the engineering industry. Due west on the coast, lies the second largest, city - the port of Valparaiso. South of this is the centre of iron and steel industry. The climate in the middle belt is idyllic, further south-still, it is extremely wet. Pine trees grow twenty times as fast as- they grow in Scandinavia, and this is the homo of the forest products industry: wood, wood pulp, paper. To the north of this middle belt is desert where nothing lives, until we reach the cluster of cities that evolved around the nitrate industry, and the largest copper mines in the world.
In 1970, Anthony Stafford Beer was approached by Salvador Allende's elected socialist government of Chile to develop a national real-time computerised system Cybersyn to run the entire Chilean economy. This project was never completed. When Allende was removed from power by General Augusto Pinochet's 1973 coup, the Cybersyn project was abandoned. The processes and structure of this enterprise were mainly represented in the form of flowcharts.
All of the systems have a powerful investment in their own identity. Each seeks to define its identity, to maintain it, to flourish out of a commitment to itself and a confidence in its selfhood. Each has an organization whose primary purpose is to preserve identity – in a word, to survive. Survival, moreover, is not a concept of stasis. Identity must change – and be gradually modified – as the world changes (it is called adaptation); otherwise there will be no survival. Survival is a function of the total organization of any system that does survive, and includes its capacity to learn, to adapt, to evolve. We took the above facts as inspiration to build a flowchart about the survival and Chile.
Feb. 2011
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