Edinburgh, Scotland
Bad Romance
Mar. 2011
The Black Merkin goes back to the collective writing experiment Bad Romance in which 170 authors participated, according to the “Postscript” which assigns passages and authorship. It was initiated and managed by Laura Edbrook and Norman James Hogg under the transitory moniker New Society of Dilettanti.
“The idea was to write an entire romance novel using a ‘tribal’ model of authorship. The project began by randomly selecting one e-book from a downloaded bit-torrent of over 100 romance titles. This ‘template’ was then split into 170 sections of around 300 words each. [...] Participants rewrote sections in the manner and style of their choosing. They received only a few basic instructions, including a request to leave all character and place names intact. Over the course of nine months, the society managed the sending, receiving and editing of texts entirely through Google docs." After that, “all character and place names were overwritten with new names using the ‘find and replace’ function. The result is The Black Merkin—a ‘new’ novel bearing little if any resemblance to the donor text. It is equally a ‘broken’ novel; the unrestrained swarm of authorial impulsions hollows out narrative structure and coherence” (author’s page on Lulu). It is not only the narrative style that differs, but some passages also change the genre to visual poetry, erasure poetry, or a drama script.
The second edition of the book was published by New Society of Dilettanti in collaboration with Collective in Edinburgh and AND Public in London.
-BRsection92 -
War that was offended her so?
Doch he sagte alle the richtige Worte, sie fühlte he konnte haben been sagen them zu anybody.
He didn't seem zu know—oder care—who sie war.
Not, sie reminded herself, that he'd necessarily like who sie war: a manipulative, deceitful woman who war only using him zu save herself von boring Randolph und his appalling Schwestern.
She had no Recht zu judge the Marquis so harsch.
Sie'd have zu think of some Weg zu brechen the news about the money.
That war sicher zu be awkward. Sie attempted zu komponieren eine appropriate speech, but her mind kept returning zu one Punkt in the previous Konversation, wenn Basil hatte said he meinte zu haben her. He'd sounded als doch he tat mean it, und her Herz hat thumped dreadfully, als it war thumping nun.
Oh, solch a fool sie war. Was war the Gut of his saying it if he war nicht going zu sound als though he meinte it?
Kapitel 12
Für the nächste zwo days, Basil kept well weg von her, Aunt Clem having gewarnt ihm, als sie told Alexandra, "zu keep his interfering selbst aus of this Business."
It war meist gratifying zu sehen how well he obeyed his aunt, speziell, Alexandra thought dismally, wenn Aunt Clem's Ordern so perfekt koinzidieren with his own fickle Inklinationen.
Still, es war odd that he'd taken auf with Randolph, von allen people.
Apparently determiniert zu be Mr. Burnham's Busen Bogen, Basil steckte zu the junge Schüler like glue, toured ihn about the estate, und spendierte hours talking with ihm. Randolph mußte haben gefunden diese Diskussionen uplifting, für he'd kommen zu Hartleigh Halle in a Zustand of tragischer Melancholie.
Nun, after only zwo days, he war aktuell grinsend at the Mann he'd gebettelt her zu bewahren of.
Oh, well, Alexandra dachte wearily, it was nothing zu ihr. Sie hatte her Hände voll with Arden.
Today sie waren sharing a Picknick Lunch with the Osbornes und einer anderen Gruppe of Nachbarn.
Determiniert zu haben her exclusive Kompanie, Lord Arden hatte borne her off zu a spot a little Distanz von the Anderen.
There he treated her zu solch a Serie of Komplimente und affektionierte hints und delikate renderings of Leben at Dornenhügel—als well als the Rest of the Farrington estates, so numerous sie konnte nicht keep them straight in her mind—that he gab her a spaltende Migräne.
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