Alfred Hitchcock in Guilin, 2006
wood, aluminum support 나무, 금속 다리
Installation view at Mini-Salon, Munich
with Ruediger Belter
김나영 촬영
전시 장소인 MINI-Salon 은 개인의 사무실겸 아파트를 미술 전시장으로 만든 일종의 Project Room입니다. 각각 복도쪽으로 난 출입문 말고 사무실과 침실 사이에 통하는 문이 하나 있는데 이 문을 꽉 막으며 통과, 존재 하는 풍경인 조각입니다. 사방 각 지점들이 모두 다른 종류의 풍경을 이루고있고 이 풍경을 하나로 묶고 있는 ’ 길‚ 이 지그재그를 2단으로 그리며 달리고 있습니다, 이 작업을 한눈에 보는 것은 불가능하고, 이 길을 따라 풍경 안으로 들어 가도록 유도 하고 있어요, 사실 자연 안에서 풍경을 한눈에 보는 것은 불가능 하듯이요.
Press release
"The beauty of
being numb"
Gregory S. Maass
& Nayoungim (Berlin/Antwerp)
29.04.2006 -
ruediger belter
Landsberger Strasse
D-80339 Munich
As designation of an
exhibition of fine arts a title conjuring the beauty of numbness may cause
reservation. Gregory Maass and Nayoungim for this show specially produce a room
spanning sculpture, releasing a converse sense at first. In its basic form it
reminds of a model landscape of a railway modeller. It is a table measuring
three by scarcely one meter with a complex and penetrating plywood construction
on top. The analytical view will recognise an underlying landscape whose
surface is described by the contour of the diagonally criss-crossing lamellae
only. Geometrically meandering serpentines run through the relief in two
different layers whose levels are interconnected by spirals. Different from the
modeller, this work, titled , does not
commit itself to a lifelike simulation of landscape (here of the famous
southern chinese one). It rather seems constructive in its style and accurate
in execution.
A second piece of
work is a large-sized photographic reproduction that has been applied on canvas
in an advanced inkjet technique. It shows a tower errected from rolls of toilet
paper (four-ply, flowered) on a trefoil shaped outline on top of a very simple
table in front of a wall. In one way of reading the meticulously piled rolls
can be taken as an architectural model.
Construed in turn as
a still life, the image parodies in its prosaic and
poor material
aesthetics the conventions of a whole genre. Even when the traditional dutch
still life often served as a symbolic demonstration of material wealth or of
education, almost ever a memento mori was inherent in it. Not less commemorates
the picture in mini salon when the hygienic item indirectly, nevertheless
avowedly perkily refers to the vestige of culinary enjoyment. Furthermore the
depicted pulp product in its haptic embossing subtly coquettes with the
similiar structured fibre glass wallpaper in the pictures background ? As well
as with the structure of the canvas surface.
It is just this
picture that by its mixture of strict formalisation and
trivial aesthetics
gives off an atmosphere of vacuousness and thereby
reminds of the
exhibitions title. But also the above mentioned sculpture as a closed system
stands in its forms of meanders and spirals for repetition and monotony. A
little heretical thus the works are questioning the accepted estimation of
boredom as unbearable affection against the background of stimulus satuation
and Spa?gesellschaft (fun society). Characteristic is the
unlike that regularly is to be found conjoined in the work of the two artists.
Art may be understood as an idea of representation that can be demerged into
the complements of reference and performance.
Accordingly the
artist duo establishes numerous relationships on the
reference level.
However the contemplator in his effort of synthetic sense construction will
fail in absurdity ever and anon. Nevertheless in its performance the
constituents of the single works as well as of the entire installations come
together for a harmonic whole.
May 2006
Also the famous dreamscape calligraphy of: Ahn Gyeon. which was produced after the request of Prince Anpyeong in 1447 to draw a dream he had , by which we were deeply impressed:…..was an inspiration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dream_Journey_to_the_Peach_Blossom_Land.jpg
We tried to build a highway spiraling through a guilinesque dreamscape, in the dimensions of a larger toy highway hot wheels track.
The finishing paint is a French matt blackboard black, which seemed appropriate and self-explanatory, see Graffiti, New York subway.
It was exhibited in France on a set of Neon-Tubes, clashing with and completing the absorbent blackness.
In Munich´s Mini-Salon Gallery we installed in between two room, connecting and separating the spaces at the same time, exactly fitting through the door frame.
The title for the show in the Munich Mini-Gallery derived from Aphex Twin´s song: “the beauty of being numb” Aphex Twin/Richard D. James´ music and attitude and creative thinking is/was an influence.
Beauty and numbness relate (nearly everything relates, see John F. Kennedy murder, ha-ha-ha), because the word Aesthetics is closely related to the term anesthesia, see numbness.
내성적이어서 본인의 아파트이자 사무실에 미술공간을 만든 사람이 사는 집안. 직업은 은행가
아주 아파트가 비싸기로 유명한 뮌헨 (그래서 자그마한)
침실과 사무실이 연결된 문이 있는 것이 재밌어서 이 문에 꽉 차는 풍경을 만들고자 한 의도
가장 복잡한 지형으로 알려진 계림
그리고 이것을 더 복잡하게 만드는 미친 고속도로 (또는 철도)
동양화에서 많이 시도된 개념적인 복잡한 지형의 3차원 현실화
여기에 속도감이 나는 길을 붙여서 4차원적인 빠른 속도감을.
동양화의 풍경의 영향을 받아서 가로로 긴 판위에 있는 풍경이 서있는 것인지
(세로로 긴 화폭처럼) 실제로 문 너머의 풍경이 존재하는 것인지, 거울 이미지인 헷갈리는 복잡한 구조
작업의 크기는 방문 사이즈, 그리고 엘리베이터 없는 건물의 4층에 위치한 아파트까지 운송 될수 있을 최대 크기. (1cm 정도의 정확도)
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