Zebra Speleology Plan

Zebra Speleology 얼룩말 동굴학

진행: 공사
1.전기 공사: 기가 전자가 많아 콘센트가 절대적으로 모자라는 . 현재 2인데 10개로 개선
2. 정과 벽은 우레탄 코팅으로 포장 마감
바닥만 고 전체를 신한 질감의 조각적인 재료로 컨셉으로 현재의 동굴같은 방을 한층 동굴같은 하고 아늑한 기분을 더해줄듯
방수, 방음
3. 조명이 현재 형광등 4개인데 8개를  지그 재그 형식으로 설치
4. 수납 문제: 악기 (특히 기타 12), 이블 등 악 기기와
기타 물품, 학생들 가방, 외투 등 모두 벽쪽다는 장소를  용하는 방침
5. 페인트: , 천정, 바닥, , 케비넷 등
6. 가구: 현존하는 가구를 다른 것으로 교체
6. 정리

For the re-systemization of the zebra-multi-purpose clubhouse/cave of the Veterinary College of Seoul National Universitywe chose a down to earth approach: we simplified the infrastructure of the Zebra space, by rearranging/restructuring its functionality.
Cutting away unused items with no potential, renovating the substance and installing basic interfaces, like power plugs everywhere. 
The general problem in multi-purpose spaces is that they tend to be messy as the purposes overlap, like storage and music rehearsal, cooking and relaxation, studying and conversation, but they are also very human and natural, as was life in a cave, the earliest form of architecture.  Architecture shapes the mind or gives it at least a certain hue, and has at least some effect on general (well)-being, it also is a statement, representation of social status, ideology you name it. It´s a part of the human condition, architecture is cultural symbols and works of art, from the Cave to the Taj Mahal and back.

July 2012

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