Daegu Photo Biennale 대구사진비엔날레 2012: 사진다움!

Sep. 2012

대구사진비엔날레 2012: 사진다움!
Description:Catalogue published to accompany the Daegu Photo Biennale 2012 from September to October 2012 in Daegu, South Korea. 

'The 4th Daegu Photo Biennale presents a broad spectrum of contemporary photography in the 21st Century, and is entitled, "Photographic!" This year's exhibition aims to rethink the role and authenticity of photography per se and to highlight the pluralism of photography in various cultures as a visual language that affects other forms of art.  

If the invention of photography in the 19th Century was about the surmounting of technological barriers then photography in the 21st Century calls for overcoming the limitations of the concept that defines photography. In short, it is about dismantling the barrier between the notion of “photography as art” or “art as viewed through photography.”  

Photography refers to the attention to something photographic which is free from any theoretical definition. The exhibition title hints at the shift in focus to the experimental spirit of artists who are boldly challenging the limitations of conventional media and exploring new frontiers.' - from event website

Includes synopses of the main exhibition 'Photography is Magic!', the various special exhibitions and invitation exhibitions featuring works of Marc Riboud and Jan Saudek. With information of other special events and programmes held during the course of the Biennale (description in Korean only). Please note that only artists of Asian descent are indexed.

Language/s:Korean, English
:BACK Seungwoo(백승우)Rinko KAWAUCHI(川內倫子)Yuki KIMURA(木村友紀)Taisuke KOYAMA(小山泰介)Arthur OU(歐宗翰)Lieko SHIGA(志賀理江子)LEE Jung(이정)JEON MinHyukSHEN Wei(沈瑋)KWON JihyunJANG InaPARK Sungjin(Group) Bang&Lee(방&리)FURUYA Kazuomi(古屋和臣)Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI(濱口竜介)Ko SAKAIJUN Sojung(전소정)Shinya KIGUREMeiro KOIZUMI(小泉明郎)LEE Kit(李傑)Yuki OKUMURA(奥村雄樹)Shun SASA(Group) Second PlanetKota TAKEUCHI(Group) Finger Pointing WorkerCHOI Sunghun(최승훈)PARK Sunmin(박선민)(Group) Nayoungim & Gregory Maass(김나영 & 그레고리 마스)HAR DonghwanKIM Sangdon(김상돈)PARK SangwooKIM ChungsooNOH Jungha(노정하)PARK ChanminLEE GunyoungJANG YonggeunJEONG James Young(정우영)KIM Sanggil(김상길)LEE Jongmyung(이종명)Anoush ABRAR
:Charlotte COTTON
Publisher & Organiser:Daegu Photo Biennale Organising Committee, Daegu

Venue/s:Daegu Culture and Arts Center, Daegu
Daegu Art Factory (KT&G), Daegu
BongSan Culture Arts Center, Daegu
Year of Publication:2012

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