The Spiral of Events 사건의 연속, 2011_Day 2

Performative Sculpture
wood, light, Boom Box, Tom Waits songs, pants, mixed media

Extremely neutral
Why extremely neutral? What title is more twisted for an activist piece of art, implying a minimum of personal action by two artists working in symbiosis who have generally a very slight interest in the politics and a dim view on lay opinion. Neutrality is not synonymous with indifference or ignorance.

The spiral of events: Every action has an effect. As the sack track has effect on the milk crate, as the milk crate has effect on the standard lamp, as the standard lamp has effect on the boom box and it´s music and as these components have effect on the dead boring pants, and the object has effect on the surrounding where it is put and it´s inhabitants.

One thing leads to another and the outcome is quite unpredictable.

Many good art works are extreme, they are also sexy but before that they have to be extreme, meaning they can be extremely mildly boring or extremely un-erotic like the old-man trouser drying in the wind, depicting what is written on them: extreme neutrality.

Day 2
황학동, 중앙시장
July 2011

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