Miss Corea Project, 1998

Miss Corea is a young lady who comes from Corea, or a young lady who represents Corea. 
She is an average citizen when in Corea. but when she arrives in our world, she changes into someone particular who possesses special qualities, and in fact becomes a genuine Super hero. Usually the word Corea would evoke the country and nation Korea as such. But this Corea here doesn’t have the same geographical nor the political situation in common with the country in the Far east. It is a rather fantastic place which exists somewhere in the unknown beyond. Super heroes are the individuals unusually strong and intelligent who use their entire power to protect humanity and earth from doom. They are strangers on this planet and often arrived here as vagabonds from another dimension and another time. Driftwood of the dimensions washed up on planet-earth. Miss Corea wears the uniform, which resembles that of a stewardess or even reminds us confusingly of a military uniform. It’s a fusion of the uniform in general. Wearing this uniform she succeeds in not arousing public attention. For her the skin-color wear is the most convenient in any kind of situation. Closely observed one realizes something bizarre. The color hasn’t got any special character or any particular function. It seems rather a fantasy, which reflects in some way the personality of our hero. The design is simple, the outfit hardly shows any signs. It’s just the scheme of a possible uniform. On the jacket’s back, there is a pocket, which contains a Cape, which comes handy to our Miss Corea. Miss Corea always travels light with a peculiar kind of baggage containing her expandable tent: the Miss-Corea-Kit™. Allowing her to survive in places hostile to life. Cibachrome Photo by Hyungkeun Oh 오형근
Model by 이복영

Miss Corea Uniform Design colored pencil on paper A4, 1998

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