Akihabara TV, 1999

List of Artists, Sponsors, Project Team Members

This booklet documents the Internaitonal City Video Installation 
Akihabara TV, a site-specific art project in which video works by 25 participating artists were shown on TVs displayed in shops in Akihabara, Tokyo. The booklet includes color plates of installation views, artists' biographies, a project note, and texts by art critics and curators. Introduction by Masato Nakamura, Akihabara TV project leader and one of the participating artists. Only the artists with Asian backgrounds are listed below.

Title:Akihabara TV
:Masato NAKAMURA(中村政人)Hiroko SEKI(関ひろ子)Takashi SERIZAWA(芹沢高志)Jenny WHITEHidetoshi CHIBA(千葉英寿)Chiaki SAKAGUCHI(坂口千秋)Peter BELLARSTakehiro SHIMADA(嶋田丈裕)Motoaki HORI(堀元彰)Kazunao ABE(阿部一直)Yukiko SHIKATA(四方幸子)

Language/s:English, Japanese
:Sight Art - Masato NAKAMURA(中村政人)

Project Note - Hiroko SEKI(関ひろ子)

Replacing Software - Takashi SERIZAWA(芹沢高志)

Akihabara TV - Jenny WHITE

What Will Akiba's "Otaku" Have Found in Akihabara TV? - Hidetoshi CHIBA(千葉英寿)

It Happened in One Night - Chiaki SAKAGUCHI(坂口千秋)

What Lead to "Massage" - Peter BELLARS

Unofficial Sites - Takehiro SHIMADA(嶋田丈裕)

Film and Video Art: - After Experiencing Akihabara TV- - Motoaki HORI(堀元彰)

In an Electronic, Plant-like Shelter - Yukiko SHIKATA(四方幸子)Kazunao ABE(阿部一直)
:Makoto SASAKI(佐々木誠)Hiroko KONO(河野寛子)Takuya ISHIZUMI(石住卓哉)Hiroko ICHIHARA(イチハラヒロコ)Takehito KOGANEZAWA(小金沢健人)Masahiro SEKII(関井雅博)(Group) Root RIzumi TACHIKI(立木泉)(Group) Device Girls(デバイスガールズ)Isao TOSHIMORI(歳森勲)Masato NAKAMURA(中村政人)Hiroshi FUJI(藤浩志)Tatsuo MAJIMA(真島龍男)Kosit JUNTARATIP(โฆษิต จันทรทิพย์)LEE Wen(李文)KIM Nayoung(김나영)SHIN Myeongeun(신명은)
Organiser/Publisher:command N (Tokyo - Japan)

Venue/s:Various public spaces in Akihabara and command N (Tokyo - Japan)
Year of Publication:1999
No. of Pages:48

Hello! I'm very glad to meet you. 1999
55 sec. mini DV

Production Support; command N
shooting & editing; Gregory Maass

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